The rollover into the new year was largely uneventful for me as Leo is in Kutubu and I was here alone. Still, I'm not really worried that the quiet entrance of 2011 is any indication about the rest of the year. There is no way that this is going to be just another year on my calendar...2011 is going to involve a LOT of rock and roll!
It's Monday morning now, and although I worked most of the weekend as well, today is the first day of the work week in the new year. It is also the first day of my job in my new role. I am on the management team of Trans Wonderland Limited (TWL) and my job title is Projects and Systems Development Manager. Basically, I have two main paths of pursuits. On the "systems" side, I am continuing a project I started as a consultant of helping establish an organised base of processes, procedures, and tools (electronic and otherwise) that will enable TWL to become a global company rather than just another lanco (landowner company). On the "projects" side, I am responsible for vetting a number of new projects for the company. I have 4 of these on my plate already, all of them exciting ventures with great potential for us.
On the personal side, I'm enjoying having my hubby (Leo) here with me in PNG. He's working for the company as well, although he is only planning on a one-year commitment before he retires and moves back home. Still, that gives us a whole year together, and I'm looking forward to it being a great deal of fun for us.
I miss my family back home, there is no doubt about that. I worry about grandchildren and nieces growing up without knowing who I am, but I'm planning on making it up to them when I am finished here. I also try to drop in on them occasionally, using Skype, Facebook, email, etc. so they will at least have heard of me. :-)
And I'm getting ready for another semester at school, although I haven't actually finished the last one. I had some serious technical problems right at the end of the semester that kept me from finishing two major projects in one of my classes. I offered to re-take the class, but the instructor decided to give me an "Incomplete" for the course and give me another deadline for completing the two assignments. I am working feverishly to get them done now. I will be taking two classes this semester. One is called "Personal Agency" and is taught by Dr. Kemp. The other is "Field Methods of Research" and is being taught by Dr. Cargile-Cook. Although I have had the pleasure of meeting both professors, this is my first class under each of them. And although I am looking forward to the semester and the content of these classes, I am more than a little worried about being able to keep up, what with the technical restrictions/problems that frequently plague me. I am definitely going to give it my best shot, though.
The time has come for me to get to work, but I did want to pop in for a moment and post something here. I can't wait to see what kinds of exciting things 2011 has in store for me!
good to hear from you i was getting worried not hearing anything from you for so long